Thursday, March 5, 2009


Does Brian Yuzna have some sort of house payment he needs to make? Making a tv series of RE-ANIMATOR is not entirely a bad idea, but look at these pictures! I could whine about how young and photogenic the actors are, but that would be an easy dig. Instead, what bothers me mostly is how pics resemble what one would do with the series in a low budget web serial setting. It looks that bad. I have zero faith in this whole thing.

What the hell is happening to horror, anyway!? This genre used to be the heavy metal of movies and now it's some sort of weird Swedish pop idea of what horror is.

(h/t to


Hal Weaver said...

It's the Buffy effect.


Tim Shrum said...

That's what I was thinking, too! I could never bring myself to like that show, so I can't see myself even remotely digging this one either.

sex doll said...

The religious leaders ended up marrying a statute which happened in ancient Greece. Admetus wife who was about to sacrifice him for his life, he told her that he would get a talented sculptor to carve her likeness and he would hide it under the bed. He would then kneel beside it and throw his arms around it and say her name which was Alcestis. Alcestis would think that he was holding his dear wife in his arms, snatching at cold comfort to ease the weight from his heart! (As cited in Scobie & Taylor, 1975.

The digitized sex doll may have a straight antecedent which is inside a cotton sex doll created and used by sailors on long voyages, referred by the French to as dames de voyage. Both navies reportedly manufactured their versions which looked like those of the dames de voyage.